Henry - In Memoriam
I am sad (ridiculous understatement) to announce that my Henry passed away, quite suddenly, on Monday, September 4. Yes, right in the middle of the chaos and stress, I lost my love, my Henry. He was such a special cat. I adopted him as a kitten in the spring of 1994. He was there when I finished library school. Then he moved to New York City with me... and on some pretty dark days, he kept me going. He was with me in NYC, Guelph, Richmond Hill, Toronto, Peterborough, Whitby, and Kitchener... yup, we moved a lot, but we always had each other and that was okay. In June 2005 he was diagnosed with feline diabetes and he fought it, and after a few months on insulin, he bounced back and he was healthier and more active for the last year than he had been for years. So his death was a shock, but at least he didn't suffer and I was here with him. Life in the old apartment just isn't the same now, but at least Trooper and I have each other for company. Henry cannot be replaced and he will never be forgotten.
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