See ya soon...
Well today is the day. I will be off on a plane later tonight. Makes me tired just thinking of the next day or so... I leave at 11:00 pm tonight and I arrive in Colombo at 9:00 am on Friday. Now all I have to do is finish packing (yes, blogging right now is procrastinating). I have one bag ready to go... the easy one, the one full of books and dvds... the easy one to pack, not so easy to lift. ;-) But, I know the libraries will appreciate all of the materials that have been donated. So thanks again for helping out. I can't wait to watch the Wiggles with the kids.
So, I guess I really should get back to the ironing board. I will blog again as soon as I can, so you know I have arrived safely. I am not sure how much internet access I will have over the next few weeks... I will be in Trincomalee for a week and then Batticaloa for a week... I am not sure if I will have internet in Trinco, hopefully I will and I will be able to send some updates.
Okay, I am really going now... Trooper is staring me down, he knows something is going on and he is not at all impressed... I am not sure which he dislikes more, the sight of his carrier or my suitcase.
Take care. I'll post again soon.
Laura :-)
Well today is the day. I will be off on a plane later tonight. Makes me tired just thinking of the next day or so... I leave at 11:00 pm tonight and I arrive in Colombo at 9:00 am on Friday. Now all I have to do is finish packing (yes, blogging right now is procrastinating). I have one bag ready to go... the easy one, the one full of books and dvds... the easy one to pack, not so easy to lift. ;-) But, I know the libraries will appreciate all of the materials that have been donated. So thanks again for helping out. I can't wait to watch the Wiggles with the kids.
So, I guess I really should get back to the ironing board. I will blog again as soon as I can, so you know I have arrived safely. I am not sure how much internet access I will have over the next few weeks... I will be in Trincomalee for a week and then Batticaloa for a week... I am not sure if I will have internet in Trinco, hopefully I will and I will be able to send some updates.
Okay, I am really going now... Trooper is staring me down, he knows something is going on and he is not at all impressed... I am not sure which he dislikes more, the sight of his carrier or my suitcase.
Take care. I'll post again soon.
Laura :-)
No Wonder you aren't here yet. Seriously have a great trip and don't worry about Trooper. He will be fine, as long as he stays away from the pool table and out of my Michelob Ultra!!!!
Hope your flights go smoothly.
Big Sister K., at 4:07 PM
Hi Laura
Your speech at the Volunteer event was great! Have a safe journey and keep us informed. We're very proud of you and your committment to this program.
Susan Hoffman and Bob Sheppard
Susan, at 3:12 PM
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