Well, I have finished the first week of work. We got quite a lot accomplished, I think. Today we had a very good meeting with Mr. Yapa, the creator of PURNA... turns out that he too is an alumni of the UWO Library School... oh, the library world really is so small! He gave us some good information about the integrated library system he developed, which is widely used in Sri Lanka. It looks very likely that both the Batticaloa and the Trincomalee libraries will begin the automation process very soon. What a huge step!!! I think that the librarians are both excited and very nervous about this step.
So now, Rob and I have tomorrow to prepare for the training sessions next week. On Sunday we will leave for Batticaloa and we will return to Colombo next Friday. During that time I will not be blogging.... just wanted to warn you. ;-) I will post tomorrow and then not for almost a week. Don't worry, during that break I will take lots of pictures and notes, so that I can catch you up when I get back to Colombo. Tonight I am going to rest up, so I can get lots of work done tomorrow.
That's all for now. Hope all is well at home... LR :-)
Hey Laura - soak up all that sunshine and warmth - you're going to want it back when you hit the airport next week! LMAO
It sounds wonderful and I'm so glad you're enjoying your experience...Elisabeth wants to know if you're home yet! LOL
Can't wait to see more photos and hear more about the rest of your trip....safe travels and lots of love!! (but no kisses says Elisabeth!!!)
Jellyarmsrme, at 11:10 AM
Dear Auntie Laura,
I have a new toy. If I make a card and send it to you, will you make me one and send it back? I hope you have a nice day at your places where you are.
Love Elisabeth
Jellyarmsrme, at 11:15 AM
G.P.L. Fri Jan 19, 2007
Good morning L.J.
I could note wait for your sisters to pass on your info.
Staff here very helpful
Have you seen ALLIFUNMUNT yet!
3 cm of snow last night everything white. You are rignt libraries are good for old people too!
Love Dad
Dad, at 2:56 PM
Hey Jen... there is a postcard in the mail for Lizzie... I have no idea how long it will take... I suspect I may make it to Canada before it does. Thanks... I have been enjoying reading your posts! LR :-)
Laura, at 4:15 AM
My Dad!?!? Wow. I am VERY impressed Dad. Made my day. Love, LR :-)
Laura, at 4:16 AM
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