A Few Pictures...
I did a little exploring today. Colombo is fascinating. It was VERY hot. So I am back at the hotel now cooling down. The heat is tiring. It looks like it could rain at any time and the air is heavy and humid, so a cool break is a good thing.
I also learnt today that it is illegal to take pictures of many things here... for security reasons they do not allow you to take pictures on the street and of most buildings. So here are a few that I managed...

the Galle Face Hotel (where Rob & I stopped for an afternoon beer... well he had beer, I had water) ... it is across the street and about three blocks from my hotel

the view from the Galle Face Hotel (for those of you who are geographically challenged, that is the Indian Ocean)

Okay, so I never claimed to be much a photographer. These are the best I have so far. More to follow...
Hey! Soooo glad you got and your luggage got there safely. Who was worried?:) Love the pics and look forward to more. It sounds beautiful (except the humidity!)
Take care and have fun
kunker, at 9:49 AM
Hi Laura: Glad you got there safe:) Enjoy the weather and all Sri Lanka has to offer. We are getting our first snow storm today :( Iam the one who was worried about you, that is the job of a big sister. The pictures were great,take one of a BUDA for me. Enjoy,besafe and knock them dead with all your knowledge. Love Heather
albert, at 12:35 PM
Hi Laura: The pictures are beautifull. You enjoy the sun, we are getting our first snow storm :(
We had butter chicken to celebrate Sri Lanka:) Yes , Iam the one who was worried about you. That is a big sisters job:) Enjoy your time proud as hell of you! Check out a buda for me.....LOVE you Heather
albert, at 12:36 PM
where's the elephants, trip won't be complete without an elephant. seriously have fun and enjoy the adventure. love the big sister who isn't worried, just excited for you
kathleen, at 2:26 PM
So happy the flight over wasn't as bad as you thought it would be. From the photos you could take, it looks lovely. Enjoy, despite the humidity! We're surviving (barely) without you!
lise p, at 8:14 PM
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